Thursday, March 26, 2009

Interesting facts about Football team shirts

Football team shirts are the shirts worn today in all football matches of the Football association; typically they are short sleeved although during winter most of the players choose to wear a winter version, because this can help them maintain the right body temperature during a match.

Materials Football shirts and kits used to be really heavy, as they were, originally, made of cotton and had collars that were usually buttoned. Nowadays sports kit's technology has advanced as well; shirts are made of nylon and polyester and they are very light and comfortable to wear. They tend to behave well in high temperatures allowing the skin and body to breathe. Most shirts today are collarless and without buttons. History and Facts The first recorded use of football team shirts lays back in 1928. The occasion was a classic match between Chelsea and Arsenal in England. Official football team shirts were used by both teams during the league games. IT was in 1939 that the Football Management Committee introduced the player numbering, as we know it today despite the fact that the numbering changed throughout the years, due to the change in formation and in game systems, number 1 has always been the goalkeeper's number. It is in general hard to associate numbers with positions, although typically number 10 usually refers to the playmaker and middle field players.

During the World Cup Championship in 1954, teams were obliged to use the squad numbering system new shirts were used and players should keep the same shirt number for the entire tournament. The squad numbering system somewhat reduced the importance of numbers, but the sales of the replica football team shirts of the World Cup Teams increased dramatically that year. In 1965 substitutions were introduced. The substitutes were obliged to have the numbers 12 and 14, while the substitute goalkeeper should use number 13.

It was in 1977 that football team shirts started to become really famous. They replaced the little trinkets and scarves that were once the only sport memorabilia and team representation items that were used. Brits were the first who started selling football team shirts massively and they soon realised that this was a real goldmine.

At the beginning football shirts had only the player's number; in 1993, during the Premier League Cup Final, teams presented, for the first time, players' names on the back of the shirt. In season 1993-'94 shirts had both names and numbers of players in Europe, while the Americans adopted the same system in 1994, during the World Cup Final tournament that took place in the States.

Since then the sales of football team shirts skyrocketed. Today all teams have sponsors and heavy contracts, so their shirts have the brand name or logo of their sponsor. There are some rules though, since some companies cannot be advertised on shirts, even if they are big sponsors; that applies mostly to tobacco companies, since football fans consider them to be irrelevant and unsuitable for the sport.

If you want to find out more about Football Team Shirt , please visit Football Shirts Website for more information

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Weight Training Solutions For Troubled Muscle Gainers

My major motivator for writing this article is because a lot of people who are skinny are really having difficulty gaining weight. The reason is because there is not a lot on information available which show how a person can be able to gain weight. The reason being most fitness experts tend to pay more attention on issues relating to ways in which a person can be able to lose weight. The lack of information has made many skinny people turn to using steroids because all other measures have proven to be very ineffective.

The reason you need to avoid steroids is because they can lead to the following side effects; enlargement of the clitoris, shrinking testicles, low libido, low sperm count, impotence in men, loss of hair, growth of facial hair in women, coarse voice in women, irregularity in there menstrual cycle, increase in aggression, heart problems, liver conditions, kidney problems and sleeping disorders. If you want to succeed in bodybuilding and enhance your athletic performance you need to keep off steroids.

For you to be able to build your body mass you need to start bodybuilding. Bodybuilding involves strength training exercises which are geared towards increasing your body muscles. For you to be able to gain body mass you need to develop a passion towards bodybuilding and understand the factors which will enable you to thrive in this sport.

They are as follows;

1. Intense training- the training you undertake while you are in the gym needs to be very intense so that you can be able to stimulate muscle growth. If you want to increase your weight you need to lift weights. You should not lift weights for the sake of it; instead you need to lift very heavy weights so that you can achieve maximum muscle damage. When you achieve maximum muscle damage only then can you be able to increase your muscle growth. The only way you can be able to increase your body mass is through understanding how the muscle building process takes place failure to which you will not be able to increase your muscle growth.

2. Take a proper diet- You need to take an appropriate diet if you want to become massive in terms of your body mass. You need to remember that you do not want to get fat but on the contrary you want to develop muscles which are massive. If you become fat you will lose your body shape and composition and therefore you will not be able to improve your appearance. With this in mind the diet you take needs to be balanced so that your body is nourished with all the appropriate nutrients. A lot of bodybuilders do not know the importance of taking plenty of calories in order to increase there body mass. Your diet should contain high calories and you need to train intensely to avoid them being transformed into fat by the body.

3. Rest- if you do not rest you will lose the already acquired muscles through catabolism.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either or

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